Het Wilde Weten invites you for an evening program with artists talks of four artists, WK, a BBQ and the opening of the show of Jan Bokma.
On the 2nd of July, starting at 16:00hr
Time schedule:
WK quarter-final, Brazil -Netherlands 16:00hr – 17:45hr
Artist talk – Ron Saunders and Macenzie Bristow: 18:00 hr – 18:20hr
Artist talk – Jan Bokma: 18:30 hr – 18:40hr
Artist talk – Gerben Meinders: 19:00 hr – 19:20hr
The exhibition of Jan Bokma is open during the events
Information about the artists:
Ronnie Saunders and Macenzie Bristow (New York, U.S.A)
Talk: The Office of International Cooperation
Saunders and Bristow will be discussing their work made in Finland (three different projects, Repositioning Nostalgia, Echo, and Emigration of Dormant Sentiments). All three works deal with identity and how it relates to nostalgia.
Jan Bokma and Gerben Meinders (Groningen, Holland).
They both just won the Groninger Artist Award and joined the same program at NP3 / the Young Grunn Artists; during a year they are supported and followed by Hans den Hertog Jager (art-critic), Daan Samson (artist) and Toos Arends (art-critic).
Jan bokma will show his latest work in Het Wilde Weten, and will give a lecture about his work. He makes installations and sculptures. His goal is to create images who balance between beauty and destruction, meaning and meaninglessness, between power and vulnerability.
Gerben Meinders is at the moment guest artist at Het Wilde Weten for three months and he will speak about his work.Gerben uses different disciplines as drawings and sculptures which end up in total installations and video’s.
De BBQ is onderdeel van de BBQ-Marathon
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