Open: Saturday 8 February from 12.00 to 20.00.
Location: Het Wilde Weten, Robert Fruinstraat 35, 3021 XB Rotterdam
entrance free
In the Projectspace Display #1: Marcha van den Hurk i.s.m. Pauluskerk Rotterdam
During Art Rotterdam, Het Wilde Weten we will open our studios on the Saturday 8th of February, from 12 – 20pm with: Annette Behrens, Jeroen Bosch (Art Agent Orange and co-founder of trendbeheer), Rachel Carey, Priscila Fernandes, Anouk Griffioen, Julien Grossmann, Yoeri Guépin, Carina Hesper, Marcha van den Hurk, Simon Kentgens, Esther Kokmeijer, Sara Rajaei, Frank van der Salm, Luuk Smits, Elian Somers, Koen Taselaar, Edward Clydesdale Thomson and our current guest in residency Jiajia Qi, topfloor our previous guest Mirjam Linschooten in collaboration with Sameer Farooq
At the same time, in our project space you can see the first iteration of Display – a series of exhibitions and events running throughout the year.
Marcha van den Hurk will inaugurate with a collaboration with Pauluskerk Rotterdam
Welkom in the Open Studios of:
Jeroen Bosch (Art Agent Orange, Co-founder trendbeheer)
Priscila Fernandes in the studio of Edward Clydesdale Thomson
Yoeri Guépin in the studio of Jan Adriaans and Gerwin Luijendijk.
RAAR radio during Het Wilde Weten open studio, live broad narrowcasting from Simon Kentgens’ studio on the second floor of Het Wilde Weten. A mish-mash of critical voices, easy tunes, live plays, sing-alongs and audio snippets by and with HWW members and guests. Visitors are invited to join the show.
and our current guest
Jiajia Qi
And our previous guests Mirjam Linschooten en
and Sameer Farooq