March 13 Presentation guest artist Vincent Vreeke
We warmly invite you to the final presentation of our current artist in residence Vincent Vreeke. Vincent was our guest from the 15th of December 2014 to the 15th of March 2015.
Friday 13th March 2015
Doors open: 7 p.m.
Vincent Vreeke examines abstraction, materials, images and forms, within the medium of painting. His works show a state of thinking rather then a narration.
Both the act of painting and the act of looking are important to his practice. The main underlying questions are about perception. Does a painting only refer to itself? Or is meaning only implied through the viewer’s presence?
Departing from personal memories, experiences and found images, these questions are challenged. A poignant example of this is the image of a hunting tiger on a Persian Qom rug, which he took as a motive for a series of works that elaborate on the question what a painting could be.
Vincent Vreeke studied painting at AKI Enschede. In 2011, after finishing his studies he was selected by Heardfund to do a ten months residency at AkkuH in Hengelo. Vincent Vreeke has recently finished his Masters of Fine Art in Brussels in 2014. Recent shows in which Vreeke has participated are Rhymes & Reason at Gallery Bart Amsterdam and Rumour has it at Marres Maastricht.
Vincent is currently based in Rotterdam
Full report see: